
My photo
I am currently in my final year of foundation Degree Digital Media at Leeds college of art, and I specialize in story-telling using a range of mediums including interactive based content. I would say I am inspired by cartoons and comics, but also the little things that most people don't notice or maybe are not bothered about, like this strange women on the train the other day, I imagined her whole life in 2 minutes! or the way a silverfish freezes up when it feels vibrations in the hope it won't be noticed! OK so I admit I have an overactive imagination, always have, but that is what I like about me and I feel this only helps me in my line of work. My strength as a digital designer definitely lies in my passion for creating a narrative and a mood, I am interested in the visual construction between image and sound and I like to animate using 2D software and my own hand drawings. I want to bring "my world" to life using digital media.....

Saturday, 28 February 2009

Action-scripting Interactive brief

so now i have found this one: 

queen.onPress = function(){

queen.onRelease = function(){

which seems to work so far but when i click on the queen without dragging her she will continue to move down slighty each time i click! so if i were to just click on and off of the movie clip of the queen it will eventually move to the bottom of the screen without even being dragged!

little bit jarring....

now how do i do the next bit? i want a different outcome depending on where she is dropped but i'm not sure what to do at all? 

just found out that why my clip may be moving like that, in one of the scripts i tried the word false was in there which means the mouse position will be locked where it was when the clip was first clicked on, and true which was on anna's script always locks the mouse pointer in a central position.

i prefer the false method but i don't know where to put it in my script! ?

oh how silly of me! it has true right there in the script!  I have just changed this to false and the movement is much better.

found another piece of code to make it smoother, the update after event code, which i am sure was on one of the codes i tried already? but why didn't any of them work? 

I found something about using components which looks good, you can drag an item onto another and a message appears at the bottom of the screen, what is says will depend on where you put it, but I can't seem to find components on flash? i found the component inspector but it just says select a component instance to edit its parameters, bindings or schema in this panel.

erm what the hell is all that?

and what's the difference between creating the drag drop on the frame or on the instance?

Drag and drop

Well I found a website (http://www.entheosweb.com/Flash/default.asp) that had a tutorial on how to use drag and drop, the code I got from there was: 

on (press) {
startDrag (this,false) ;
on (release) {
stopDrag ();

which is totally different to the code I have for my cat test and the one on annamorphic.co.uk with the keys and the locks?

yet this one works! but all it does it allow you to drag and drop the queen movie clip, nothing happens when she placed in a paticular spot as with the fish and the cat, so what I need to know now is, do i need an entirely different script for that? or can I add to this one? 

fingers crossed that i find out before monday! I will be on here searching till then, no sleep!

The Treesprite and the Mushroom queen storyboards

they are the wrong way around so the bottom one is the first! the top is just some buttons designs.

Final Maya Storyboard

Here is my final storyboard for maya, I decided not to go with the others as this one will be more simple, and in the amount of time I have left and my non-existent skills in maya I think this is a wise decision.

I thought of the early scenes from the movie look who's talking in which there are talking sperms going for the eggs, my narrative is straight forward and simple, the sperms come after the eggs, the eggs run away, except one who stays to battle with the sperm that is lingering around her, he tries to make a few moves on her but fails and in the end she squishes him.

short but sweet, with the perfect ending! 

so far I have been working on modeling the sperm as the egg will be relatively easy, after seeking some help from a 3rd year student I finally got to grips with modeling and have managed to make a few sperm! now it's just getting to grips with animating them, although I have basic understanding as matt went through it with me, i lost track a bit taking notes, so got a bit lost, but I don't think i'll bother asking him the same thing again, he's shown me twice now but the first time i didn't take notes and it was too fast to remember anything! 
I will focus on this more next week when my Flash assignment has been finished, I don't know why they give us so many briefs! it would be so much more beneficial to our learning if we only got one at a time but less time to work on them, i'm sure we would all focus more, be under less stress and produce better results, and the teachers might find they have more time too!

Of course I understand that they are trying to give us the feel for working in a studio, but surely that would be better saved for year 2 or 3? we are still learning after all! hardly on the same level as a professional working in the industry! 

Well and truly F****d!

Well this is the last scene in my flash interactive story/game and I can't do it! I must have missed the lesson on the keys to the lock because it does not look familiar, I have looked it up on the website: annamorphic.co.uk, however none of it makes sense to me and I don't know what to do,  I cannot download any of the files as clicking on the download link leads to a screen full of jumbled text? 

I want to be able to drag the mushroom queen to to various different groups of mushroom, (as you can see in the picture) when the wrong group is targeted you will be greeted with a "try again" message until the correct batch of mushrooms is hit and then you get your ending- game over- you win scene!

But I can't do it! 

I have a tutorial file in which I made a cat and a fish, the fish could be dragged around the screen and when it was released over the cat the cat would meow and text appeared, I have tried to copy this code into the above mushroom scene, however nothing happens? I changed the instance names of course but still nothing! 

what am I going to do? 

here is the code i tried to use: 

queen_mc.onPress = Function() {

queen_mc.onRelease = Function()

this is the code off the website:  (is it because one of these } isn't at the start of the script?)

key.onPress = function() {

key.onRelease = function() {
if (this.hitTest(lock)) {

Thursday, 26 February 2009

My Day in Second life

"Hmmm? I wonder what he uses to get his legs so smooth?"
Me sat chilling on a bench whilst everyone else seems to be flying away!

All By Myself... doing some yoga... (check out my huge Ass! haha)

Me above the world!!!
Me and Angrybeth!! she's so cute!

Me and hoi kam and our new friend!

This is so F*****g hillarious! I split my side laughing just looking at it! I think it's Rob Lang but not sure, he was just this tiny evil jelly-baby like creature chasing around with a gun shooting at people! hahaha! it looked so funny! especially when he was running!!
"gotcha! you little sucker!"

Been taking for a ride! weeeeeeee!

this is how you get in a tiny car!

Mushroom Panic!

Ah what a cheesy title! this is my mushroom scene in which the player finds themselves in mushroom land where you are greeted by a group of mushrooms! as the mushrooms are static images on the background it took alot of thought and effort (and help from Anna) to get this to work. basically, I made speech bubbles as buttons, in the up state they are not there, but once you rollover a mushroom (the hit area) the bubble will appear, and if you click down more text will appear, then the middle mushroom will give you a choice of helping them or not, you then get to choose yes or no.
I'm not saying what happens if you choose though, you'll have to play it to find out!
However after testing this scene on a number of people I have discovered from feedback that there needs to be some direction as to which mushroom you should click on first, for example if you were to click on the middle one first, you would be greeted with the question: "will you help us?" and you would be taken to a duplicate scene which then offers you a choice.
but if you had not clicked on the other mushrooms first you would not know where you were or why and what they wanted your help for!
so some direction prompting is needed, especially if children are playing it, so that the story flows better.
I was thinking of having a mushroom jumping up and down to entice you to click on that one first, and then then when you have released the mouse another will jump and so on so that they are pressed in the right order, however I don't know how I am going to do this unless i create the whole thing again from scratch as the mushrooms are part of the background.
then how would I do this? make them into jumping movie clips? but then how would i make them stop jumping in order for another to start? how would I tell flash to make the 2nd one jump after the first has stopped? I can't really get my head around it at the moment but I'd really like to do that.
another thought which although won't be as effective could also work is to have say a little fairy, fly in and hover above the mushroom I want the player to press for a number of seconds and then move to the next and so on, this could be done using tweens and timing, so could work but would not be as accurate as the other method.

I did the Grave-yard Scene!

I finally worked out a way to do my graveyard scene without Anna's help! (as I couldn't get hold of her) The idea is basically that a ghost pops up from each grave when you press the button, but when I started the project I didn't really know what I was doing so I just made the ghosts pop up using tweens, (which I did with the whole thing, wasting alot of time as it would then have to be re-done using actionscripts anyway!) I thought about making the graves buttons so that when you hit them the ghost pops up, another idea I had was to duplicate the scene 3 times and in each duplicate scene have an animation of the ghost popping up from each grave, then using action script on the original screen- make it so that when you release the button on the grave you are taken to the duplicate scene and you them see the animation for that scene, etc etc. at the end of watching the duplicate you are routed back to the original using scripting and then you can select all over again! this was a bit tricky, as when you were on one of the duplicate scenes the other buttons did not work, nor did the one you had just pressed! so I decided to put the script on all of the buttons on each duplicate scene so that from a duplicate screen you could also move to another duplicate scene, rarther than having to wait to return to the main scene, and it would have been odd not being able to press the buttons when a ghost was in action!
got all that?
anyway this caused the sound to be a bit messed up as i had it on each scene, and they were over-lapping, so i just left it on the main scene but it still had a weird overlapping sound, in the end i just put it on each scene with a start and a stop, so the music restarts each time you click a button but that sounds better than it did before.
also I created a "back" button so that players can return to the previous scene when they've had enough, but that only appears on the main graveyard scene after about 4 seconds, so the only issue i have with that is that you have to wait 4 seconds to return, or if you haven't clicked any of the graves in that 4 seconds- you may just clic back because it appeared and therefore miss out on some of the game! (I have tested this with a few people and they instantly went for the back button when it appeared) I would like to fix this but am not sure what to do? if i make it appear later that would give players more time to "explore" the scene, but then when they have finished they would have to not touch anything for a while for the back button to appear, (as touching a button would start the whole process again) so hopefully I will see Anna in time before the deadline to get some assistance with this as there was no-body free in the studio today! and Simon is teaching all day tomorrow so it all depends!

Monday, 9 February 2009

30 days of night Ben Templesmith

Just one more thing before I go, was looking through my blog and noticed some of the graphic novels I've been reading and noticed that I'd forgotten to mention the 30 days of night series by Ben Templesmith, (Illustrator) which In parts in excellent and suits the horror style perfectly, but at other times it grates on me as he will cut details in favor of half drawn sketchy child like sprawls during faster paced scenes, but his still shots, (pictured) are fantastico!

When I read graphic novels I can't imagine reading a standard book again, (although I read plenty of text only books) I just love the way they flow through your brain like little pulses of electricity, each snapshot being burned into your mind. (sorry the creative writing elective hasn't worn off yet!)
I also want to be a graphic novelist every time I read one, but I can't draw, well, no I can't actually, not in perspective at least.
however when I'm not reading a graphic novel I want to be a web designer, not that I find web pages particularly  interesting, I think it's my logical side telling me that's where the jobs are.

I'm starting to really like flash and can see myself creating interactive content using it for web pages, mobile phones etc. But my dream job would be making Title sequences for movies, I don't even know what it is about it that has always drawn me in, (that's what made me want to do Digital Media in the first place) I just think I have a natural talent for putting things together, sound with images, making image and text dance to the music as such etc etc. but of course I've never done anything advanced in this area, it's just a feeling I have based on my experimental stuff and what I've been told by my peers.

I will be looking into Title sequencing a bit more after speaking to Mike today about it, I never even realized there was much of a job-base for it in the UK, I will be looking into that a bit more at some point soon.

right it's almost midnight and I still have to watch the X files so night night!

Feedback for assignments!

Just thought I'd have a big moan about not getting feedback for our projects yet, I'm amazed that people don't seem that bothered about it? maybe that's why they are relaxed about it in the first place? most people still haven't collected their video project feedback, maybe it's because I come from access and am just used to getting my feedback and marks within weeks of completing a module, maybe I am just a little too anal about certain things, but it just keeps me going knowing that I did well on a project and that all my hard work has been acknowledged! 

on the other hand it's good that we all look at each others work at the end of a module, although embarrassing, it gives you a chance to gain feedback from other students and gage their reaction to it as to it being good or shite! It's a shame however, that mine and Ashley's video projects were never shown (they were in late as we started the course late), which ok saves that embarrassing thing that happens but then you think well who have I done all that work for if no-ones going to see it? and I can't even get feedback on it?

I have to say I'm not getting at the tutors on this one, I think Annabeth does a brilliant job helping us when she has the time to! I hate bugging her about my feedback forms actually, but someone has to I guess? (and that someone always has to be me...) it doesn't help that I am extremely obsessive, all of my coursework for the last 3 years is organized in cabinets in folders in order of date in my house! and it gets at me that there are gaps waiting to be filled for my feedback and grades! (yes i am so sad i even have little homes waiting for them) when I got the feedback for the video module I was in such a good mood for weeks! feeling such a sense of self-accomplishment and self-worth! It soon wore off though as I handed in more and more briefs, constantly giving all my worth but getting nothing back in return....sob...sob....

I hope we get them before the end of the year! what if we don't? how will I sleep over the holidays? I WANT TO KNOW IF I HAVE GOT MERITS OR DISTINCTIONS! I neglect almost every other area of my life to get this work done to the best of my ability so the least I want is to know if it was worth it! 


It's no ones fault, I'm not blaming anyone personally, i just wanted to have a huge moan about it! and if anyone wants to support the feedback moan feel free! on the other hand if you think i'm nuts please don't say anything! hahahaha

I think i'm too tired now best be off to bed! (am I hell, I can't go to bed without watching an episode of the x files! it's my routine now, if i brake it I can't sleep right! told you i'm strange, hence the reason I live in my own bubble) 

night night all.

Tachikoma from ghost in the shell stand alone complex

As we are animating simple objects in Maya and giving them expression and emotion without the use of complex facial expressions, environmental props etc I thought I'd reference the Tachikoma from ghost in the shell.

Although they are essentially fighting machines, they convey personality through their voices and gestures, but even without the voices and no facial expression whatsoever you can still detect some form of emotion from these machines, (they do appear to have "souls" or some kind of personality in the series) simply by the way they move, despite their bulky appearance they are very adept at moving around, cat like if you will, and have pet-like mannerisms, in fact although I watch mecha, I never really "feel" anything for the machines, (except a little in eva when I realized the eva's were part biological) but in this i felt annoyed by the tachikoma, then even more annoyed and then I started to like them and even sympathies with them! 

A great achievement if you ask me for an animator to make the audience connect with his/her characters as it is, but expressionless machines? well I guess just about everything to do with GITS must just be pure awesome then.

Meet The Mushroom Queen!

Newer flash designs

Here are some newer re-vamped designs! however they have been converted to raster graphics to be displayed so still have a rough edge, the original vector images are neat and clear.

Woodsprite or Treesprite Old design

Old photoshop design for my Treesprite, it has since been neatened up on Flash as I prefer to draw on flash than Illustrator. these are awful! I'm so glad I re-drew them! thank god working with symbols and movie clips is so simple on Flash! because you only have to edit the symbol and it will change everywhere on the timeline! so no messing about altering every single keyframe you have the graphic in!


Thursday, 5 February 2009

some more maya storyboards

Everyone else is prob animating by now and I still can't come up with some characters.

Maya storyboards

Some ideas for Maya, however as I am the worst person in the world at using maya, I doubt I will use any of these, I will never be able to create any of these characters in 3D, I might just settle for the ball meets the square, if I can even do that.

The Cow thing and the giant Cigerette.


Yipeee! I got a distinction for my Elective, which was creative writing! only one other in the class got one so that means I'm sort of special! It's made me feel better after getting such a disgraceful mark for my Critical studies presentation, I've done critical studies at this college for over 2 years now and I have always been a high achiever, always getting top marks so to get a pathetic 47 points out of 100 is sickening.
I don't even know if that constitutes a mere pass? It has really dampened my spirits as I'd set myself on getting at least merits for all my subjects, but now that I am failing in Maya too i'm on a real downer, if i fail that too I feel like quitting! after all my goal was to do the BA digital media, if i can't get onto that what's the point? I don't want to leave with a foundation.
Anyway enough of that, I finally got a distinction! after being told I was just a few marks off a distinction for my video project I was absolutely gutted! JUST A FEW MARKS! if only I had planned it out a little better...
My main problem with that was Matt in the AV suite, what a tosser! sorry but he was, I don't know how anyone can work with him or why is he still employed by the college, he speaks to us like we are all thick shmucks who are beneath him! "If your clever, and you know how to read, you'll notice a sign on the door...." was his reply to me when asking what time they re-opened! I was asking because after going in there to edit my video at lunch time I was told I'd have to come back after lunch cause there closed, however the same guy who was in there working then was still there when I came back at one! (hmmmm and they seemed a bit friendly, could it be that he favors fellow saggers?)
Well getting this mark has proved that I can write, despite my critical studies teacher stating that "for the most part my word summery was well-written" the most part?
I wonder if I can do the whole thing again to get a better mark? ok so I didn't discuss the paper but my result was still the same as the others who did subliminal seduction, I still touched on the same details, did some additional research and probably found out more than I needed to, but because I told him I didn't really read the paper, (like an IDIOT) that lost me the marks! If i hadn't said anything, would he have even noticed?
anyway I got a DISTINCTION for creative writing and just wanted to tell the whole world of blog. so there.

Monday, 2 February 2009

Sword of the stranger

Excellent film I've just watched having missed it at the leeds film festival 2008, fab animation, the fight scenes are also spot on and it actually has a very good solid plotline! at times i forgot i was watching a cartoon as it plays out like an epical samurai flick. I highly recommend this to any anime or samurai movie fan, it's very good and yes i'm very tired so my vocab is also asleep, i can't think of the right words to describe the film, but I thought I'd stick it up on the good old blog as everything watch is usually where i get my inspiration from, i rarely look at the real world!

Oh I forgot to say what it's about! well i don't want to give too much away but basically it's about a little boy and his dog who have been sent away by a monk to seek refuge in a temple in another city as his home village was burnt to the ground by imperialist soldiers. It turns out the entire army is after the boy believing he is the key to immortality. the boy meets a lone samurai warrior and they team up, (well the boy hires him to get him to the temple in one piece after his dog has taken a liking to the stranger) the characters are all very solid and well-rounded out and the plot elements fall in line with the ming dynasty and the intrusion of the white man and their weapons vs the honour of the samurai. I'm too tired to say anymore i can't think straight!