
My photo
I am currently in my final year of foundation Degree Digital Media at Leeds college of art, and I specialize in story-telling using a range of mediums including interactive based content. I would say I am inspired by cartoons and comics, but also the little things that most people don't notice or maybe are not bothered about, like this strange women on the train the other day, I imagined her whole life in 2 minutes! or the way a silverfish freezes up when it feels vibrations in the hope it won't be noticed! OK so I admit I have an overactive imagination, always have, but that is what I like about me and I feel this only helps me in my line of work. My strength as a digital designer definitely lies in my passion for creating a narrative and a mood, I am interested in the visual construction between image and sound and I like to animate using 2D software and my own hand drawings. I want to bring "my world" to life using digital media.....

Sunday, 28 February 2010

Heavy rain review

After playing for a few hours now, I thought I'd write a quick first impressions type review, I would normally leave it till the end, but there are so many unbelievable glitches that I felt I had to voice them.
Whilst I find it very disappointing that they could have so many errors in such an awaited and hyped up title, the pure awesomeness of the game over-rides these silly glitches, so I'll get them out of the way first.
most of them are in the first scene in which you play the dad character, after you have gone downstairs to do your work, I sat him down and unfortunately missed the prompt for what you have to do next, (as icons appear for you to press in order to make actions, such as hold up to pick up a pen, or circle to dodge etc) the prompt does not usually disappear until you've pressed it but it did and I was left with no option other than to reset the game, as regardless of what button I pressed the character would not move a muscle!
this didn't happen the second time, but after I had done the required work and walked to the back window, I noticed a very strange glitch! if you look out the window at a certain speed, you'll find you have magically appeared back in your chair in your work room when you let go of the button! I did this several times then got bored of it, I was surprised that the developers would miss such a thing, (hopefully it was a one off and won't happen throughout the rest of the game) soon after this you are playing with your virtual kids in the garden, and the camera suddenly switched to the "haunted workroom" again and showed a pen fly across the room! yes it was very bizarre, again I think maybe a one off as it only happened that one time I was playing it, and I had played out this scene a few times before and also watched friends doing it, so think it was a one off thing!
There have been a few other annoying moments in the game with camera angles, and not being able to see the on screen prompts as a result of the viewing angles but aside from this It's a fantastic game, the graphics are pretty awesome, there is alot of attention to detail, you can go to the toilet which I thought was pretty cool, (my friends laugh at me cause every-time they come in the room and glimpse me playing it as they always see my male characters taking a pee!- well why not? it's not like I can ever do it, I'll bet some of the guys playing will make the women take a pee every now and again, anyway it adds to the realism of the game, you can't let your avatars pee themselves now can you?) The voices are mostly good, with one or two exception's, you'll die at the part in the mall at the start where Jason wanders off, the Dad's parenting skills are highly laughable....I won't even say what I would have liked to have done had I been allowed that amount of control!
Some of the action scenes are very well done, and you feel as though you are watching a movie most of the time so the game is fun to watch if you are not playing, and very engrossing if you are playing, the car scene was very good for example, you actually go through the motions, panic, excitement, etc, it's like this with alot of them, very good at evoking emotion. and again the attention to detail and the innovative control system only further enhance this involvement, I would recommend the game to anyone who likes murder mystery, strategy, films, narrative etc. Those who prefer sandbox games however may feel a little restricted as you have to follow a pre-set structure, but of course you can change things according to your actions and choices, it is very much like Shenmue, and also reminded me of the forbidden siren games, (another innovative and excellent game series, although repetitive well worth a look) Aside from the earlier glitches I haven't really had any more problems with the gameplay, you can adjust the easy-hard settings at any time so if you fail miserably to beat up someone, (not that I did or anything) you can do it again on easy, just to beat that part and then continue the rest of the game on your usual setting, erm I never actually did this, I just figured it out by accident and thought I'd let people know who may struggle with some of the intricate button sequences you have to perform during action scenes, and you do need to be quick and rather nimble with the controller for these parts!
Also if you mess up a chapter and are not happy with the outcome you can go back and do it again, but this over-rides everything you have done after that so you would have to do all the following chapters again too, so if you are planning to do this do it sooner rather than later! (I made this mistake with the highway scene, resulting in 2 broken ribs, but when my friend did it he didn't get any broken ribs so I was tempted to do this scene again, but then I would have to re-do all the following scenes so I think I will just leave it, but it will always annoy me...)
Anyway that's my review for now, I will come back to it when I've finished the game, as I have a feeling I will finish this one and not get bored of it, then I will be onto Alan Wake! been waiting for that one for years!
so if you've just read this post stop wasting time and go buy heavy rain! and if you don't have a PS3, just sell your car or something and get one! I had to starve for a week to get heavy rain, sometimes we have to make these sacrifices in life.

Models for E4

Here are some snaps of the models we created for the E4 Ident, we wanted to have a mish-mash of materials to add to the chaotic feel we wanted so we created some with "plasta-scene", (how the frig do you spell that? can't even find in spell check or the dictionary!) and some were made from felt using bits of glitter, glue, string etc. I made the material models and Hoi Kam made the thingy-scene ones!
Then we wanted to use stop motion photography instead of film to give the whole thing that strange jerky look, we also felt this would fit in with the other E4 idents we have seen them use previously, as stop motion and the color purple are quite identifiable with E4, so we bought lots of purple materials for the set. (of course we later realized we didn't need to as we could have done that with after effects) but at least we got to experiment with some crafting instead of always opting for the computer.

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Heavy Rain

Not much to say about this, but I've played the demo and am getting it soon, it looks amazing! and I really like how it controls, the graphics are really pushing the limit in comparison to some other games and the controls are quite innovative for this kind of game, from what I've seen of it so far it looks very intriguing and am looking forward to it!

E4 Sound

For the sound we have decided we want to create the entire sound using our voices, we had so much fun doing voice overs on the last project that we thought we'd take it a step further and try creating music with our voices as well as character sounds.
We want it to have a wacky unusual sound so this way we can make our own thing, it will be creative and unique and we don't have to worry about copyrights as it will be our own sound!
It won't be actual live beatboxing, but we will create some strange sounds and then edit them together, the editing will be the hardest part as it will involve stringing beats together, and I presume some knowledge of music production might be needed, however I have messed around with music 3000 before so I think we'll get the hang of it!

Here is a youtube video done by a guy called Lasse Gjertsen, it was featured on TV some time ago and he was depicted to be a bit of a nut job! but I recently found his youtube page and he has some really interesting and innovative stuff on there, he's only 20 and I think has a alot of potential, I like his use of stop motion, and the way he has edited this video here is what we are going to do for the sound portion of our E4 ident, but with our own weird noises that we want to sound as "otherworldly" as possible!


I have been messing around with the footage some more and here's 2 more with some added effects, I quite like the 2nd one that starts off dark with the bold white outline. Having the video starting in black and white and then becoming colorful, or purple at the arrival of the purple monsters fits in line with the original idea a bit better anyway and I think it looks more visually dynamic and interesting to the eye.
Tomorrow I will make a 2nd video to overlay onto the TV screen in the footage, that will depict the E4 monday night movie logo, (later to be made a sting) and Hoi Kam will be drawing some animated characters over a scene in the footage, we will then have a mixture of creatures, some modeled with plasticine, some made from materials, and some hand drawn. I think this adds to the chaotic charm that we wanted the Ident to have, as it will be made up of many different process and techniques.


I should have blogged this part ages ago as I'm now talking about what we have done leading upto the stop motion video, we basically started by narrowing down 3 ideas to one, one idea was to show a women getting ready to go to work on friday, then getting ready to go on a night out on saturday, then doing housework on the sunday, the idea was for it to come across as being quite hectic and for the women to become progressively more tired looking and for that to also be reflected in her movement as well as her appearance.
By the monday she would come in from work, drop her bag, coat, etc and go and get a hot chocolate, sit in front of the TV and put her feet up, she'd smile and settle back into the chair, as the TV came on with a message telling viewers that it was E4 monday night movie time.
Basically the idea was to tell people that they can relax with a movie after a stressful day at work and a busy weekend previously, but we thought this idea might be a bit cliched.
The other idea was to have a character living out his daily routine, (in 30 seconds of course) such as brushing his teeth, going to the shop, making a phone call etc but he/she was to do this as though they were an action star, for example, they would be in a supermarket rolling on the floor and trying to sneak behind the shelves etc just to get a box of cereal, so someone who had been seriously affected by monday night movies on E4 to the extreme.... however this would not have been cost effective to film and would have been very difficult to acquire locations, actors etc.
So we decided to stick to the first idea which was to have a couple of people watching TV in a room, however the room would be drabby and grey, the characters bored, fed up and miserable.
Until however E4 characters came into the room in a burst of color and light, changing the room from grey to purple, and also making the 2 characters happier, it would end with the TV flickering on and off, (it had been a grey nothingness before) and then the E4 logo appearing with the words "Monday night movies". and then it would end. We are also going to create a sting from this footage which is to be 5 seconds long, the Ident has to be 30 seconds long.

Here are some pictures of the models we made:

Film Studies post one


We have almost finished our E4 Ident now, we have filmed all the stop motion sequences in line with the storyboard, I have a rough copy of the storyboard that I will need to scan at some point and Hoi Kam has drawn a better version of it which should be appearing on her blog, (as she is a much better drawer than me!) we hired out the photography studio for 2 days and got all the stop motion done last week, but due to having film studies this week we have not worked on it anymore but we plan to spend the day tomorrow working on it some more, and we also need to get the sound effects done, something I am looking forward to as we will be creating the whole sound using our voices, so there will be no musical effects, instruments or digital sound effects, it will all be done by mouth and then overlaying the sound. Which I suspect will be fun and an experience as we haven't really done it before, we experimented with voice over for our last project but this will be taking that experimentation that little bit further.
We will then need to just get everything together, our storyboards, design sheets, color boards etc and composite it all onto one disc ready to hand in, as well as doing a word evaluation.
So we will both be scanning all that in over the next week.
I am uploading the videos we have done so far onto facebook so that I can link them to my blog as the blogger video uploader is a load of shit. so watch this space, vidz will follow shortly.

Final purple effect

Grey color effect
