We have been modeling today, like last week, only thing is last week my hard-drive crashed and I had to go back to an older version of my flash project and get it back to where it was! as that day was the deadline I spent the whole day working on that as I couldn't do any of it at home and did not want to spend days catching up so I basically did it through the second life lesson therfore missing out on some modeling basics, but I thought it better to just catch that up later than loose marks on my flash as it was now being handed in late!
anyway today we had to make a T-shirt, which I sort of got the hang of but want to make a better one before I upload it, then we made a top hat and then a staff, or lollypop in my case! it took me a while and my model's were not as good as everyone else's! but in the end I think I made a decent stick, then I decided to make my Avatar fat like me and have changed her hair and clothes, I prefer the way she looks now though as at least she looks a little more interesting! the first just looked too "normal"!
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